Spring Clean Your Marketing
April 20, 2015 | Business Journey
By Suzy Rounce
Three tips for giving your marketing materials a little spring in their step:
1. “CLEAN & SHINE-UP” frequently used documents.
What marketing pieces do you use all of the time? Do you love them both in form and function? Don’t underestimate how a little effort in increasing the beauty and function of something you use all of the time can benefit your business. A referral form that doesn’t ask the right questions or is hard to fill out isn’t much use. A client facing checklist that doesn’t match your branding does nothing to create brand advocates. The small details matter, but you already knew that.
2. “REFRESH” social media graphics.
Are your social media accounts wearing their spring best? Are your cover image and profile photos outdated, lacking personality or brand consistent? This is another quick fix that can make a big difference. Think bold, simple and well crafted. Blurry photos, cut-off images and cobbled together graphics won’t cut it. Each social media platform has its optimal size for graphics and if you are going to spend the time posting and engaging your customer, put your best foot forward.
3. “REPAINT & ADD NEW COLOUR” to signage and packaging.
Is your packaging and storefront signage looking cracked and outdated? When was the last time you freshened your front door signage or introduced new packaging? Take pride in your storefront and take the time to do it right. This might be something you need to save up for, depending on the type of signs you have, but think about the attention it will grab when the new one goes up and new potential customers take note of you.
What spring cleaning are you inspired to do?
Take a photo and send it our way to inspire others. #switchback4ever