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Ask These 3 Questions to Determine Where to Spend Your Marketing Money

April 28, 2018 | Marketing

By Suzy Rounce

If you think marketing is frivolous and you are feeling cautious about what to spend and where, check this article out. Take four minutes and read this great article by Adam Bornstein and Entreprenur.com, that talks about how you should be thinking about your marketing, especially when tight budgets are a driving consideration.

Bornstein mentions that marketing is about highlighting wants and needs and meeting your avatar’s desired outcomes. Investing in the right place that will get you the most attention, based on those three questions, will be key to getting the results you are looking for.

Investing in the right place that will get you the most attention, based on those three questions, will be key to getting the results you are looking for.

Who doesn’t want a fan club or ‘super-fans’ for their business. These are the people that are ‘besties’ to your company. They will be there through it all and shout your praises the loudest, but if you don’t take the time to find them and speak to them directly then your effort, and your money, could fall on deaf ears.