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Share your Story

November 20, 2015 | Marketing

By Suzy Rounce

Share your story with the world through social media.

There is something wonderful that happens when you get to be in a room full of people who want to be there and hear what you have to say to improve themselves and grow. It’s an honour to have had that pleasure. It doesn’t matter where we start from, we all have the opportunity to put our best foot forward and try something new. That is exactly what I embraced this week.

“What if you used social media as a chance to connect with people? To cultivate a community of followers + let your brand be of service to all?”

As I stood there and spoke at the Chamber of Commerce in Airdrie, I knew it was a new milestone for us as a company and for me as a professional marketer. It was something we had booked in the calendar almost a year ago, but was a goal I was proud to accomplish and bring to fruition.

It was a blast. I loved the preparation, the honesty and the effort that went into trying to tell a story about telling stories. Storytelling is the key to making the world a better place. I always knew I wanted to inspire people to tell their stories and cultivate a community of followers that believe in what they are doing. Speaking is just another way for us to do that. A brand can tell and create that connection and positivity in the world, that is really important. “What if you used social media as a chance to connect with people? To cultivate a community of followers + let your brand be of service to all?”

I am excited to share this storytelling message with whoever wants to hear it. It would be so wonderful if social media were a place to spread wonderful, happy and authentic stories of struggle, victory and bravery. That is the beauty of social media and all that it has to offer. You get to choose what to fill it with and we hope it’s kind, inspiring, genuine information that will capture your brand enthusiasts every step of the way. There is a formula to this, it doesn’t just happen by accident.

In the interest of accomplishing my goals and being brave, I will finish by saying if you know of anyone that is looking for a spunky speaker that can talk about branding, marketing and social media, I would love to be that person. Help me to spread the word.

Thanks for your ears. For speaking inquiries email me anytime.